Caleb Gattegno Biography
Biography of Caleb Gattegno
(1937) Les cas essentiellement géodésiques des équations de Hamilton-Jacobi intégrables par séparation des variables, unpublished D Phil thesis, Basle University
(1941) Contribution à l'étude psychologique du Trac.' Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte
(1943) "Les problèmes de l'éducation de l'après guerre" in Le Progrès Egyptien, novembre
(1944) "Les enfants et nous" Causerie pédagogique in Les Lettres françaises, Le Caire.
(1944) "Six contes pour enfants", Les Lettres françaises, Le Caire.
(1945) "Analyse générale et topologie de l'espace des connaissances" in Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, N° 28.
(1945) 'Etude sur le Jeu', Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, 27
(1946) 'Studies in the structure of the mind', Mind, vol LV, no 219
(1947) 'Mathematics and the Child' in The Mathematical Gazette Vol. 31, N°. 296, octobre. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol.1, 1963.
(1948) "Psychologie du Dessin Enfantin" in Enfance N°. 5, novembre-decembre. France.
(1948) "The Use of Mistakes in the Teaching of Mathematics" in The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 32, N° inconnu. Grande Bretagne.
(1948) The mathematical definition of education, unpublished MA thesis, London University
(1949) "Substitutes and Examples" in The Mathematical Gazette Vol.33, N°. 304, mai. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol.1, 1963.
(1949) with A M Ostrowski, Représentation conforme à la frontière ; domaines généraux, 2 vols, Gauthiers-Villars, Paris.
(1949) Polynômes de base, par J. M. Whittaker. Autres détails inconnus.
(1949) 'International N.E.F. Conference in Brussels July 10-17, 1949', The New Era, vol 30, no 9
(1949) 'Further experiments in international education', The New Era, vol 31, no 10
(1951) "Adolescent Thought and its bearing on Mathematics Learning" in Revue Belge de Psychologie et de Pédagogie, Vol. 13, N°. 55-56. Belgique. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1951) "Remarks on Mental Structures" in Enfance N°. 3. mai-juin. France. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1951) avec F. M. Hodgson traduction Play, Dreams and Imitation, par Jean Piaget, Heinemann (Melbourne, London, Toronto) and W W Norton, New York.
(1952) avec F. M. Hodgson traduction The Child's Conception of Number, par Jean Piaget, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.
(1951) 'Les fondements de l'éducation', Dialectica, 18 Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1952) Introduction à la psychologie de l'affectivité et à l'éducation à l'amour, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris, Suisse. pp.126. Traduit en anglais sous le titre The Adolescent and his Self, Educational Explorers, Reading, England. 1962. pp. 136.
(1952) "A New Theory of the Image" Annexe 3 dans Introduction à la psychologie de l'affectivité et à l'éducation à l'amour, Delachaux et Niestlé. France. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2., 1963.
(1952) "Note on Pythagoras' Theorem" in The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 45, N°. 1, janvier. Etats-Unis. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1952) "A Note on the Teaching of Mathematics" in Journal of General Education Vol. VI, N°. 4. juillet. Etats-Unis. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1952) "Investigation through Teaching" in Nederlansch Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, Vol. 7, N°. 3. Pays Bas. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1952) "Three Dimensional Vision and its Psychological Application to the Teaching of Mathematics" in Gymnasium Helveticum Vol. 6, N°. 5, octobre. Bâle, Suisse. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1952) avec Alphonse Gay, Un Nouveau Phénomène Psychosomatique, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. pp. 80.
(1953) "Mathematical Thinking and the Use of the Senses" in Bulletin of the Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics Vol. 1, N°. 1. Note du Président dans le premier numéro. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1953) 'Notes sur les nombres en couleurs', in Le Moniteur des Instituteurs, Tamines, Belgique. novembre. Repris comme "Notes on Monsieur Cuisenaire's Invention"dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1953) 'Numbers in colour', in Bulletin of the Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics Vol. 2.
(1953-54) "Notes in Intuition in Mathematics" in Mathematica & Paedagogia, N°. 3. Belgique. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1952?4) Conscience de la Conscience, Le Cercle du Livre. Deuxième édition 1967, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. pp. 189.
(1954) Huit contes pour enfants, Ducolet-Roulin, deuxième édition Huit Contes, New York. traduit en anglais sous le titre Eight Tales. (1968)
(1954) "Number and Colour" in New Era for Home and School, janvier. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1954) "The Use of Mistakes in the Teaching of Mathematics" in The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 37, N° 323. février. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1954) " The Idea of Dynamic Patterns in Geometry" in The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 38, N°. 325. septembre. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1954) "Arithmetic with Coloured Rods" in The Times Educational Supplement, vendredi 19 novembre. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1954) "Brazier's Park Weekend" in Bulletin of the Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics, N°.3.
(1954) "The Gattegno Geoboards" in Bulletin of the Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics, N°.3. (Voir Geoboards)
(1954) avec Georges Cuisenaire, Numbers in colour, Heinemann
(1954) 'Le rôle de l'intuition en mathématiques', Math & Paedogogica, 3 (trans For the Teaching of Mathematics 1)
(1954) 'The objective study of sensitivity', Radio Perception, June
(1954-55) "Georges Cuisenaire's Numbers in Colour" in Mathematica & Paedagogia, N°. 4, Belgique. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963
(1955) "Arithmetic and the Child" in Il Centro, juin-juillet. Bulletin du Centro Didattico Nazionale di Studie Documentazione, Florence, Italie. N°. 5. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1955) "Arithmetic and colour" in Il Centro, juin-juillet. Bulletin du Centro Didattico Nazionale di Studie Documentazione, Florence, Italie. N°. 5. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1955) 'Mathematics teaching and ATAM', Mathematics Teaching, 1
(1955-56) "Pupils' Reactions to Geometrical Classifications ?Considerations" in Mathematica & Paedagogia, N°. 9. Belgique. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1955-56) "Theoretical Remarks on the Cuisenaire Material" in Mathematica & Paedagogia, N°. 9. Belgique. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1956) "The Study of Arithmetic with the Help of Colour Associated with Length" in Le Courrier de la Recherche Pédagogique, N°. 6; Paris. janvier. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1956) "Some Problems involved in the Teaching of Mathematics" in Nastava Matematike I Fizike Vol. V, N°. 1, Belgrade. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963
(1956) "Introducing the Concept of the Set" in The Arithmetic Teacher, Vol. III, N°. 3, avril. Etats-Unis. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1956) Teaching Mathematics to Deaf Children, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1956) "Mathematics and the Deaf" in Teaching Mathematics to Deaf Children, Introduction à ce livre. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1956) Teaching Mathematics in an Expanding Economy, Section 1 (Primary). Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1956) avec G Cuisenaire, Les nombres en couleurs, D et N (trans of Numbers in colour, 1954)
(1956) avec G Cuisenaire, Numeros en color, Min Ed, Madrid (trans of Numbers in colour, 1954)
(1956) Numbers in colour, film strip notes, The Cuisenaire Company, UK
(1956) 'New methods of teaching arithmetic', in; Arithmetic Teacher, 3.3. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963
(1956) 'Notes for administrators', unpublished. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963
(1956) 'Quelques problèmes que pose l'enseignement des mathématiques', Nastaya Nat Fiz, 5.1 Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1.
(1956) 'L'arithmétique basée sur la couleur', Courier Rech Ped, 4. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3
(1957) "Reforming Mathematics Teaching" in The Times Educational Supplement août. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1957) "A Matter of Relationships" in British Columbia Teacher, septembre-octobre. Canada. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1957) 'On teaching mathematics', British Columbia Teacher, Sep-Oct. Canada. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1957) 'Can American education teach us anything', Mathematics Teaching, 5
(1957) "Mathematics for All" Publication restreinte en 1960. New York. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1957) "Learning Mathematics - a practical solution" in Impulse, N°. 2, Mitchell Engineering and the Journal Press, Londres. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1957) Arithmetic with Numbers in Colour, Books 1-3, Heinemann
(1957) L'arithmétique avec les nombres en couleurs, books 1-3, Delachaux et Niestlé (trans of Arithmetic ..., 1957)
(1957) Arithmetica con numeros en color, books 1-3, Madrid (trans of Arithmetic ..., 1957)
(1958/9) Arithmetic with Numbers in Colour, Books 4, 5 et 6. Cuisenaire Company, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1958) L'arithmétique avec les nombres en couleurs, books 4-6, Delachaux et Niestlé (trans of Arithmetic ..., 1957)
(1958) Arithmetica con numeros en color, books 4-6, D et N (trans of Arithmetic ..., 1958)
(1958) "Notes on a Radical Transformation in the Teaching of Mathematics" in Main Currents in Modern Thought, New York, janvier. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1958) "Mathematical and Mental Structures" in Bulletin de l'Association des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Public, Paris, mars. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1958) Le Matériel pour l'enseignement des Mathématiques, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris.
(1958) 'La perception et l'action' in Le Matériel pour l'Enseignement des Mathématiques Chapitre 1. Repris comme "Perception and Action as Bases of Mathematical Thought" dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1958) 'L'enseignement par le film mathématique' in Le Matériel pour l'Enseignement des Mathématiques Chapitre 7. Repris comme "Teaching Through Mathematical Films" dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 2, 1963.
(1958) 'Les matériels multivalents' in Le matériel pour l'Enseignement des Mathématiques, Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris. Repris comme "Multivalent Materials" dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1958) The individual geoboard, Cuisenaire Company, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1958) 'Mathematics and mental structures', in: Bulletin APMEP, March Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963. (reprint FTM 3)
(1958) 'A message from the President', Mathematics Teaching, 7
(1958) Eduçáo para o amor, Editôra Fundo de Cultura S.A. (trans Intro Introduction à la psychologie de l'affectivité et à l'éducation à l'amour, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1952)
(1958) Mathematics with Numbers in Color, book A, Cuisenaire Company of America
(1958) 'Observations on the teaching of mathematics in the United States', The Mathematics Teacher, LI 3
(1958/9) From Actions to Operations, Cuisenaire Company, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1959) "Thinking Afresh about Arithmetic" in The Arithmetic Teacher, février, Etats-Unis. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1958/9) Teaching Mathematics in an Expanding Economy, Cuisenaire Company, Reading, Grande Bretagne. (rev ed Teaching Mathematics to Deaf Children, 1956)
(1959) Mathematics with Numbers in Color, books B-D, Cuisenaire Company of America
(1959) Arithmetica con numeros en color, books 4-5, Cuisenaire de España (trans of Arithmetic ...1958)
(1960) "What matters most" 'Mot du président' aux membres de l'Association for Teaching Aids in Mathematics Teaching N°. 12, March. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1960) "Mathematics and the Needs of Society" Programme en français à Radio Canada le 6 décembre. Le texte a été traduit en anglais par l'auteur pour son inclusion dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1960) Now Johnny can do Arithmetic, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne. Traduit en français sous le titre (1967) Enfin, Freddy comprend l'arithmétique, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris. pp. 98.
(1960) Modern Mathematics with numbers in colour, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1960) Arithmetic ?Arithmestics, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1960) avec Cuisenaire, Georges Initiation à la Méthode: les nombres en couleurs, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel, Suisse. pp. 98. Deuxième édition sous le titre Initiation aux nombres en couleurs, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris, France. pp.101. (trans of Numbers in colour, 1954)
(1960) 'La pédagogie des mathématiques', in: CIEAEM: L'enseignement des mathématiques, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1960) Letter, Mathematics Teaching, 11
(1960) Obituary: Puig Adam, Mathematics Teaching, 13
(1960) Arithmetica con numeros en color, books 6-7, Cuisenaire de España (trans of Arithmetic ...1961) '
(1960) La Pedagogia della Matematica', in: L'insegnamento della Matematica, la Nuova Italia editrice
(1960) A teacher's introduction to Cuisenaire-Gattegno methods' , Cuisenaire Co America, US ed Ed Exp)
(1960) Hebrew version, Cuisenaire Company of Israel (trans A Teacher's introduction to the Cuisenaire-Gattegno method1960)
(1961) "Reality and the Learning of Mathematics" in Education Vol. 10, N°. 5; juin. Nouvelle-Zélande. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1961) "Formalisation and Sterilisation" in The Mathematics Teacher Vol. LIV, N°. 7, novembre. Etats-Unis. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963.
(1961) Arithmetic with Numbers in Colour, books 7, 8 et 9. Educational Explorers, Reading Grande Bretagne.
(1961) L'arithmétique avec les nombres en couleurs, books 7-8, D et N (trans of Arithmetic ..., 1961)
(1961) Arithmetica con numeros en color, books 7-8, Madrid (trans of Arithmetic ..., 1961)
(1961) "Why Study Mathematics?" in The Washington Post Sunday Magazine, septembre. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 1, 1963. Etats-Unis.
(1961) Una visión 'práctica' para España, en relacion con el problema de enseñanza de las matematicas, (Homenaje a Dr Pedro Puig Adam), Direccion General de Enseñanza Media, Madrid
(1961) Guide introductif aux nombres en couleurs, D et N (trans A teacher's intro...1960)
(1961) Apuntes correspondientes a las clases dictades por el profesor Gattegno, Institutos de investigaciones y estudios pedagogicos
(1961) L'aritmetica con I numeri in colore - I numeri da 1 a 10, Edizioni Calderini, trans Arith...1958
(1962) Mathematics with Numbers in Colour, books 1-7 Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1962) Nombres en couleurs: Cahier de travail, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris.
(1962) The Adolescent and his Self, Educational Explorers, Reading Grande Bretagne. (trans of Introduction à la psychologie de l'affectivité et à l'éducation à l'amour, Delachaux et Niestlé,1952)
(1962) Fiches de travail Nos 1 à 15 pour les nombres en couleurs, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1962) Morphologico-algebric approach to reading and writing, Photocopie.
(1962) Words in Colour - Teachers' Guide, Photocopie. Educational Explorers,
(1962) Words in Colour: Background and Principles, Chicago: Xerox Corporation. Educational Explorers,
(1962) Words in Colour - Book of Stories, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - Word building book, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - Primer book 1- 3, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - Worksheets 1 - 7, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - Worksheets 8 - 14, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - The word cards, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour and The Silent Way - The Standard English Fidel, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - The Standard English Wordcharts, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - Filmstrip, Educational Explorers
(1962) The Silent Way - EFL Wordcharts: Standard English edition, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - Teacher's Guide, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Color - Background and Principles, Learning Materials Inc. (subsidiary of Encyclopaedia Britannica Press Inc, Chicago)
(1962) Words in Colour - Book of Stories, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Colour - Word building book, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Colour - Primer book 1- 3, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Colour - Worksheets 1 - 7, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Colour - Worksheets 8 - 14, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Colour - The word cards, Learning Materials Inc
(1962) Words in Colour - The North American English Fidel, Educational Explorers
(1962) Words in Colour - The North American English Wordcharts, Educational Explorers
(1962) Mathématiques avec les nombres en couleurs, book B, (Canadiennes ed) D et N
(1962) Arithmetica con numeros en color, book 8, Cuisenaire de España (trans of Arithmetic ...1961)
(1962) Introducción a la psicología de la afecti,Espasa-Calpe, SA (trans of Intro à la psychologie ... 1952)
(1962) O zeca já pode aprender aritmética, Cuisenaire de Portugal (trans of Now Johnny ... 1960)
(1962) Elementos de matematica moderna, Cuisenaire de España (trans of Modern Mathematics...1960) (1962) Gattegno worksheets 1-15 in 3 booklets, The Cuisenaire Company, New Zealand
(1963) "Why my Books are as they are" in Cuisenaire News N°. 3, janvier. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1963) "Discovering Cuisenaire" in Cuisenaire News, N°. 3, janvier. Grande Bretagne. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1963) "The Place of Colour in Mathematics Learning" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 23, été. Repris dans For the Teaching of Mathematics Vol. 3, 1963.
(1963) For the Teaching of Mathematics, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne. Vol. 1, pp. 108. Vol. 2, pp. 125. Vol. 3, pp.133.
(1963) Teaching Foreign Languages in Schools the Silent Way, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne. Second édition en1972, Educational Solutions, New York. pp. 144.
(1963) Study of Energy ?Forms of energy, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1963)The Silent Way - French Wordcharts, Educational Explorers
(1963) The Silent Way - French Fidel, Educational Explorers
(1963) Notes on words in colour, Educational Explorers
(1963) TA MAQHMATIKA ME TOUS CRWMATISTOUS ARIQMOUS, AQHNAI (trans Arithmetic ... 1957) (1963) Arithmetica con numeros en color, book 9, Cuisenaire de España (trans of Arithmetic ...1961)
(1963) Letras en Color-Nuevo metodo de enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura, Cuisenaire de España
(1964) 'Teaching Reading, An Indefinitely Renewable Problem', in: Spelling Progress Bulletin Fall 1964 pp15-1
(1964) 'Words in Colour system', in Forward Trends 7 4: 141-144. Chapter 6.
(1964) Mathématiques avec les nombres en couleurs, book C, (Canadiennes ed) D et N
(1964) For the teaching of elementary mathematics, Cuisenaire Co of America (U.S.ed of For the...mathematics1963)
(1964) Endlich kann Robert rechnen, Cuisenaire Lehrmittel GMBH (trans Now Johnny...1960 Ed Exp)
(1964) Mathematik mit Zahlen in Farben, books 1-2 Cuisenaire Lehrmittel GMBH (trans Mathem... 1962)
(1965) Pour un enseignement dynamique des mathématiques, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel, Suisse. pp. 206. (trans of For the teaching of mathematics, 1963)
(1965) Notes on building geometry, The Cuisenaire Company, Reading, UK (rev trans of Costruiamo ..., 1964)
(1965) A Thousand Sentences pp. 87. The Cuisenaire Company, Reading, UK
(1965) Ocho cuentos, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne. (trans of Huit Contes, 1954)
(1965) El libro de las mil frases, Educational Explorers, (trans of A thousand sentences, 1965)
(1965) "Mathematics and Imagery" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 33 Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.(1965)
(1965) "Ten Years of 'Mathematics Teaching' in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 33, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1965) Hebrew version, Cuisenaire Company of Israel (trans Arithmetic with numbers in colour 1957
1965) "A Teacher's Guide to Using "Words in Color'", in: Spelling Progress Bulletin Summer 1965
(1966) Mathématiques avec les nombres en couleurs, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris. En neuf ?12 volumes. (trans of Mathematics with numbers in colour, 1962)
Manuel A : Les nombres de 1 à 20 et jusqu'à 100.
Manuel B : Les nombres jusqu'à 1000. Procédés de calcul.
Manuel C: Mesures canadiennes
Manuel 4 : Les nombres jusqu'à 1000 : propriétés et opérations
Manuel 5 : Fractions ordinaires et décimales. Pourcentages.
Manuel 6 : Les nombres et leurs propriétés.
Manuel 7 : Les unités de mesure et le système métrique.
Manuel 8 : Problèmes et situations quantatives.
Manuel 9 : Algèbre et géométrie pour les écoles primaires.
(1966) Words in colour ...', in: J Money, The disabled reader, John Hopkins UP
(1966) Hebrew version, Cuisenaire Company of Israel (trans Arithmetic with numbers in colour1958)
(1966) La lecture en couleurs: guide du maître, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - pour construire mes mots, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - les premiers pas, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - tout les sons du français, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - tout les signes du français, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - livre des 40 petits récits, Delachaux et Niestlé (trans Book of stories 1962)
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - Le jeu de cartes grammatical, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - cahiers d'exercices 1 à 7, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) La lecture en couleurs - cahiers d'exercices 8 à 14, Delachaux et Niestlé
(1966) What does 'Words in Colour' Demand of Us? Schools for the Future, New York.
(1966) Report on one month's experiment in PS113, Schools for the Future, NY
(1967) Huit Contes, Educational Explorers (2nd edition)
(1967) Enfin, Freddy comprend l'arithmétique, (trans of Now Johnny can do arithmetic, 1960) Delachaux et Niestlé
(1967) Obituary: Jean-Louis Nicolet, in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 38, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1967) "Functioning as a Mathematician" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 39, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1967) Le livre des mille phrases, Educational Solutions, New York. pp. 94. adapté du livre en anglais A Thousand Sentences pp. 87.
(1967) Trente-six Instantanés, Educational Solutions, New York. pp.106
(1967) Narraciones breves, Educational Explorers (trans of Trente-six Instantanés, 1967)
(1968) Eléments de mathématiques modernes par les nombres en couleurs, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris. pp.93. (trans of Modern mathematics with numbers in colour, 1960)
(1968) Lessons with Cuisenaire Rods - Notes on the filmstrip Numbers in Colour, The Cuisenaire Company, Reading, UK
(1968) The Silent Way for Teaching English as a second language, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1968) Words in Colour - Further Reading, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1968) Teaching Reading with 'Words in Colour', Educational Solutions, New York.
(1968) Eight Tales, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne (trans of Huit Contes, 1954)
(1968) Short Passages pp. 94. Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne (trans of Trente-six Instantanés, 1967)
(1968) Geoboard Geometry, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne (new & rev ed From actions to operations, 1958)
(1968) 'Rechenunterricht in neuer Sicht', in: Der Mathematik - unterricht, Ernst Klett Verlag
(1968) L'aritmetica con I numeri in colore - I numeri da 1 a 20 e fino a 100, Edizioni Calderini, (trans Mathematics with numbers in colour, 1962)
(1969) Reading with Words in Color, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne. pp.258.
(1969) Towards a Visual Culture, Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, New York.
(1969) Vers une culture visuelle, Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel et Paris. pp. 121. (trans Towards a Visual Culture, 1969)
(1969) 'The ideal school', in: G Kinney, The ideal school, Kagy Press
(1970) "The Human Element in Mathematics" in Mathematical Reflections, ed. Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Cambridge University Press.
(1970) "Notes on a New Epistemology: Teaching and Education" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 50, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1970) What We Owe Children, The Subordination of Teaching to Learning. Outerbridge and Diensfrey, New York.
(1970) 'The problem of reading is solved', Harvard Ed Review, 40.2
(1970) The Morphologico-Algebraic approach to the teaching of reading and writing English, Educational Explorers, Reading, Grande Bretagne.
(1971) What We Owe Children, The Subordination of Teaching to Learning. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London. pp.116.
(1971) Geoboard Geometry, Educational Solutions, New York. (new ed from Teaching mathematics to deaf children, 1956)
(1971) avec d'autres, Zur didaktik des mathematikunterrichts, Schroedel (trans of CIEAEM, 1958/1960)
(1972) "A Prelude to the Science of Education" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 59, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1972) Ces enfants nos maîtres, ou la subordination de l'enseignement à l'apprentissage. Delachaux et Niestlé, Neuchâtel, Suisse. pp.114. Publié en (1970) sous le titre What We Owe Children, Outerbridge and Dienstfrey, New York.
(1973) In the Beginning there were no Words: The Universe of Babies, Educational Solutions, New York. pp. 133.
(1973) An Experimental School: A Study of a Possible Renewal of Public Education, Educational Solutions, New York. pp. 178.
(1973) Notes for parents on words in color, Educational Solutions, New York. (rev ed, 1979)
(1973) "Looking ahead to an Adult Association" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 62, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1973) 'Teaching reading via the medium of television', Ed Technology, 1.9
(1973) 'Some remarks and additions on the Silent Way', Idiom, 4.2
(1974) The Common Sense of Teaching Mathematics, Educational Solutions, New York. pp.127.
(1975) Of Boys and Girls, Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing. pp. 95.
(1975) On Being Freer, Educational Solutions. New York. Restricted Printing. pp. 163.
(1975) The Mind Teaches the Brain, Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing. pp. 246. (rev ed 1988)
(1975) Letter, Mathematics teaching, 70
(1976) The Common Sense of Teaching Foreign Languages, Educational Solutions, New York. pp. 223.
(1976) "Le cerveau" in Bulletin de liaison, Face à l'éducation, Lyon. N° 1. pp. 1-26; N° 2. pp. 1-45; N° 3. pp. 1-25.
(1976) "The Silent Way" in: J. Fanselow & Crymes, R. (eds), On TESOL 76, Washington D.C.: TESOL
(1977) "L'intuition" in Bulletin de liaison, Face à l'éducation, Lyon. N° 1. pp.15-29; N° 2. pp. 3-34; N° 3. pp. 4-25; N° 4. pp. 1-31; N°. 5. pp. 1-21.
(1977) "La nourriture" in Bulletin de liaison, Face à l'éducation, Lyon. N° 3. pp. 1-3.
(1977) Evolution and Memory, Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing. pp. 89.
(1977) On Love, Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing. pp.63.
(1977) "Awareness of the Awareness" (Chapitre 2 de The Science of Education, (paru en 1987), Educational Solutions, New York.
(1977) "The Facts of Awareness", (Chapitre 3 de The Science of Education, (paru en 1987), Educational Solutions, New York.
(1977) "Affectivity and Learning", (Chapitre 4 de The Science of Education, (paru en 1987), Educational Solutions, New York.
(1978) De l'Intuition, Une Ecole Pour Demain, Lyon.
(1978) Deux Conférences: Besançon 1976, Lyon 1977 Une Ecole Pour Demain, Lyon. pp. 52.
(1978) On Death: an essay, Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing. pp. 66.
(1978) "On Spelling" Chapitre 6 de The Common Sense of Teaching Reading and Writing, (paru en 1985) Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing.
(1978) De l'Affectivité, Une Ecole Pour Demain, Lyon. pp. 221.
(1978) "Subordinating Teaching to Learning" The Real World 11 5-9
(1978) 'Evaluating students' progress', in: C H Blatchford & J Schachter (eds), On TESOL '78, TESOL
(1979) avec d'autres English the Silent Way, a Video Program, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1979) Du Temps, Quatre volumes. Une Ecole Pour Demain, Lyon. Publication restreinte. pp. 196, 184,181, 401.
(1979) Who Cares about Health?, Educational Solutions, New York. Restricted Printing. pp.166.
(1979) Notes for Teachers on Animated Geometry, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1979) El Dominio De La Ortografia Español, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1979) 'Where to look for new light', lecture reprint, Assoc Child Learning Disabilities, Quebec
(1980) Math Mini Tests, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1980) "Ces enfants nos maîtres" dans la série "La conscience éducatrice" in De l'Education, Une Ecole pour Demain, Lyon. N° 1. mars. Interview de Caleb Gattegno pour France-Culture par Jeanne Gruson. pp. 1-5.
(1980) "Vers une culture visuelle" dans la série "La conscience éducatrice" in De l'Education, Une Ecole pour Demain, Lyon. N° 2. juin. Interview de Caleb Gattegno pour France-Culture par Jeanne Gruson. pp. 1-4.
(1980) "Seule la conscience est éducable en l'homme" dans la série "La conscience éducatrice" in De l'Education, Une Ecole pour Demain, Lyon. N° 2. juin. Interview de Caleb Gattegno pour France-Culture par Jeanne Gruson. pp. 5-8.
(1980) "Affectivité et apprentissage" dans la série "La conscience éducatrice" in De l'Education, Une Ecole pour Demain, Lyon. N° 3. novembre. Interview de Caleb Gattegno pour France-Culture par Jeanne Gruson. pp. 1-5.
(1980) "La subordination de l'enseignement à l'apprentissage" dans la série "La conscience éducatrice" in De l'Education, Une Ecole pour Demain, Lyon. N° 3. novembre. Interview de Caleb Gattegno pour France-Culture par Jeanne Gruson. pp. 5-9.
(1980) 'The foundation of geometry', For the learning of mathematics, 1.1 ?Educational Solutions, New York.
(1980) avec d'autres, 'A seminar on problem solving', For the learning of mathematics, 2.1
(1980) 'Children and mathematics: a new appraisal', Mathematics teaching, 94
(1980) with Katarina Mataira, The effectiveness of the Silent Way method in the teaching of Maori as a second language, Dissertation: Thesis (M.Ed.) -- University of Waikato, 1980.
(1980) 'Reflections on 40 years work', Proc Canadian Maths Ed Study Group (repub, 1989)
(1981) Animated Geometry - Notes for Teachers, Monograph, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1982) Teacher's Guide for Visible and Tangible Math, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1982) Infused reading in Spanish: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1982) "Talking Shop: A Conversation with Caleb Gattegno, Inventor of the Silent Way", English Language Teaching, V°36/4, July 1982, p237-241.
(1982) "Thirty Years Later" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 100, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1982) L'Energie et les Energies, Une Ecole Pour Demain, Lyon. Publication restreinte. Trois volumes. pp. 316, 340, 400.
(1982) "Much language and little vocabulary" in Blair, R. (ed.) Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 197-200
(1982) "Perception," in Blair, R. (ed.) Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching, Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 201-203
(1983) "On Algebra" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 105, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1984) "Curriculum and Epistemology I" in For the Learning of Mathematics. Vol. 4, N°. 2. Sans autres détails.
(1984) "Curriculum and Epistemology II" in For the Learning of Mathematics. Vol. 4, N°.3. Sans autres détails.
(1984) "On Sleep" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 106, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1984) "Infinity" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 107, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1984) "Notes on Adolescence" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 108, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1984) Infused reading in French: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1984) Infused reading in Inupiaq: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York.
(1984) Ma mort, Une Ecole Pour Demain, Lyon pp.226.
(1985) The Common Sense of Teaching Reading and Writing, Educational Solutions, New York, Restricted Printing.
(1985) The Science of Education Chapter 13: The Learning and Teaching of Foreign Languages, (paru en 1987), Educational Solutions, New York, Restricted Printing.
(1985) Infused reading in Ojibwe: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York,
(1985) "Knowledge and Experience" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 110, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1985) De L1 à L2 - la relation entre l'apprentissage de la langue maternelle et celui d'autres langues. Pour l'éducation de la conscience, Besançon.
(1985) Les forces psychiques qui nous aident, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1986) L'Univers des Bébés, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon. (Traduction de In the beginning there were no words: The Universe of Babies)
(1986) La génération des richesses, Deux Volumes, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1986) The Generation of Wealth, Educational Solutions, New York, Restricted Printing.
(1986) "Memory and Retention", Chapitre 5 de The Science of Education, (paru en 1987), Educational Solutions, New York, Restricted Printing.
(1986) "Operations on Integers" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 114, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1986) "On being Amazed" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 116, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1986) "Origins" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 1Theoretical Considerations17, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1986) Infused reading in English: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York,
(1986) Infused reading in German: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York,
(1986) Infused reading in Italian: notes for teachers, Educational Solutions, New York,
(1987) The Science of Education Part 1: Theoretical Considerations. Educational Solutions, New York, Restricted Printing.
(1987) "Parts and Wholes" in Mathematics Teaching, N°. 119, Journal of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, Grande Bretagne.
(1987) La Psychologie des petits enfants, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1987) Peut-on changer son passé ? Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1987) Vers une théorie générale de la relativité humaine, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1987) L'Amour, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1987) Etre Libre, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1987) De la Santé, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1988) Awareness of one's native language, unpublished (ch 7-9 of Sci of Ed, part 2B)
(1988) Awareness of non-native languages, unpublished (ch 13-15 of Sci of Ed, part 2B)
(1988) Know Your Children - a Book for Parents, Educational Solutions, New York, Restricted Printing. (selected from Universe..., Of boys..., The adolescent...)
(1988) Peut-on penser en termes positifs à l'avenir de nos enfants? Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon.
(1988) Les disciplines spirituelles qui nous aident à vivre et à être heureux, Une Ecole Pour Demain, Besançon.
(1988) La Lecture en Couleurs, Une Ecole Pour Demain*, Besançon (nouvelle édition, 1997).
(1988) “Reflections on Forty Years of Work on Mathematics Teaching” For the Learning of Mathematics Kingston: FLM Publishing Association, November 1988